Character is demand

For outraging success you need a good expert's knowledge, but also the skills to network alongside with the ability to combine both. Character in this sense is the ability to meet the requirements of reality adequately deal!
Charisma without character brings chaos!

People who are professionally at their finest, however in their personality inadequately rough. In the long run no organization can afford to keep such people. It costs a lot of time and energy for executives to eliminate the legacies of people with whose characteristics.. Strength and talent are simply not enough to make a business successfull.
Hence for executives it is very important to develop their character. It needs honesty foremost..

Honesty begins with a clear self-perception. In this context, people have to note:

1. Do I really achieve a lot less than my skills and abilities would allow me?

2. Do I often experience in my daily life obstacles, which truly affect my effectiveness?

3. Do I potentially mess up  my own success?


the basis  

Often people try to change their reality through "little lies". Aspiring that such "tuned perception" makes a comfortable situation.



is in demand

To be successful you need good knowledge and the skills to network. Combining the two is in most cases the route to success!



is necessary

The latin word "integritas" means intact and complete. It means skills for a mature nature.
